So I was watching a Youtube video about..hmm Id say two weeks ago,maybe three. It was titled Recipe,it was uploaded by a womans channel that im subscribed to so I watched it wondering if it was a RECIPE because she always plays her guitar and sings becautifuly, but when I watched it the first few minutes was a song! So I was thinking ok,maybe its just a new song she wrote wanted to share and will get to the recipe soon.
No actually it was her talking about a woman she new when she traveled to Ireland and how this woman was a wonderful cook and always made her dreams come true no matter what it was.
The thing was with this womans cooking was she had this special way of getting all the ingredients just right she knew what to add and how much to add perfectly. Even with her goals and dreams she would get everything figured out what she needed/needed to do. She would put it together like a recipe. She new what she needed to do using each "ingredient" she made her goals come true.
I was thinking WOW! She really knew what to do! She is very right! Our goals are like following a recipe we gather all the ingredients (steps),portion them (listing the steps) and messuring (time). Its like getting out a hug pot,get all the ingredients together,seperate them into each portion,messure, and by what needs to go in first,get your pot ready and begin adding and stirring and adding until your dish is complete. Its just as simple as that!
Yes accomplishing our goals is not easy ot simple but if you take the time to list,divide and messure your ingredients you will have your dish done in no time! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR RECIPE!!!