Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why Mothers Need Their Sons

1. They teach their mothers that they can do anything!

 2. They let them know they are needed.
 3. They show them that everyday doesnt go by without a smile.

4. They always give their mommy's kisses when needed.

 5. They always bring them comfort when others cant or dont.

 6. They give their mommys the unconditional love they need and never knew they needed.

 7. They are the little helpers.

8. They give their mommys confidence and thumbs up in the kitchen.



9. They cuddle their mommys tightly to keep them safe from the monsters.


                                10. They protect their mommy's from the bad.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Every girl/woman is a Goddess!

In todays society there is a new trend "Thinspiriation". For those who dont know thinspiriation is the trend of annorexicia and bullemia along with other eating disorders and diets.
   The goal for most women is to get into a size 0 even if it costs them their well being. Eating disorders are not just bad for your body but they are bad for your self esteem and the others around you. Once a family member or friend finds out they become concerned and try to help in any way or as many ways possible. Sometimes to the point it brings a great deal of stress upon them.
   Not all woman who are annorexic or bullemic are in it for the thinspiration trend.No,there are women and even in rare cases men who suffer from it due to psycological issues. Even a verbaly abusive partner could be a cause. Even a brief comment about some ones weight or even girls telling eachother their weight can be a root cause of an eating disorder. Its a very serious matter that should be taken with compassion,not critizism. Ive heard people make snide comments about an annorexic or bullemic. Unfortunatly I blame thinspiration for the critizism because sadly there are those who are psycologicaly influenced and cannot escape it. Those are the ones who need compassion and support while over comming this illness.

All of us women do have the power and control to fight this "thinspiration" from ourselves,our friends,sisters,daughters,and other females you may have in your life along with future generations. What needs to be pointed out is that beauty is not a number its a natural right as a woman to be beautiful. There is nothing wrong with fun fashion and make up,no its all in expressing you and how you feel. Big girls are and can be beautful. By wearing the right jeans,tops they will look in that mirror and think "look at me!". Average size girls same thing and even just finding your own style will give you an impowering "look at me!" kind of feeling. Personally I love a pair of loose fitting jeans or cords and  a simple but cute top or plain t-shirt and if its cool a sweatshirt. I feel adorable in my modest comfortable attire. Another thing since I said the word modest,my mother had brought up that some one she knew was saying how hard it is to find modest clothing for girls. Personally I agree but I do know there is modest clothes out there! Dressing modest doent make you a nerd or prude. It just shows off your impowered confidence to walk out covered "no not like a nun!",covered in the appropriate way such as little cleavage or none and no booty shorts! It shows your self respect and self worth. Being beautiful or even sexy does not have to cost you your life,health and food life. It doesnt mean you need to buy the most expencive designer jeans or wear flashy clothing. No it is all about YOU. Beauty is a natural right not a number.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Magic in the Morning

This isnt going to be a long post,well most mine arnt long half the time to begin with hehe. I woke up very early this morning,I looked at the time,bundled up and watched as the sun came up. Unfortunantly I cant see the sun actually rise but I can see its beautiful light shine in and into the sky. So beautiful. I remember how every morning I would walk to school and breath in the cool crisp air,look at all the flowers waking up,the freashly watered green grass and my favorite the peaceful stillness.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Childhood Magic

Dont you remember looking up at the stars and moon at night? Wasnt the thought in your mind that they were magic? Do you ever remember when you would make a wish or wishes on stars? 
   I remember as a small wee girl at the ages of 4-5 I would stay up and look at the moon from my window. I would make a wish on the star that I was drawn to. Even as I got older I cannot sleep or do not sleep well unless I have the moon light shinning down on me. I always take a few minutes at night to just STOP and take in the beauty and magic of the night. The stillness of the stars and light of the moon is so captivating.
If people would do that and keep up with old childhood magic we would probably stay connected with out inner child. Our inner-child is the key to happiness. Its the key to life,as humans we have a natural "want" to still play! We all still have that "belief" in magic and the unknown or the "impossible". We still find excitment in freashly baked cookies,sprinklers,snow,holidays,the simplicity of life.
    Go out side tonight look at the stars,stand under the moon light feel her glow and presence. In the summer blow bubbles,make popsicles using fun juices maybe mix them,run through the sprinklers,even go swimming. Color,write creative fun and silly stories,gets some clay or mudd and squish your hands and fingers in it maybe your toes too! During the holidays if you use a tree decorate it with the fun rainbow lights,fun and funky orniments,bake fun treats. Never loose love and excitment for the simple. The simple things in life are the most cherished later down the road when looking back.

follow the trail

  Believe it or not but we are lead to the greatest things in the most oddest,strangest ways.
I sure have and I still am, Just kick back and enjoy the ride. In the end youll see it was all well worth it.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Quote of the day

                                                       ~Another quote of the day~

Monday, October 17, 2011

A quote for the day

                                                        (A lovely quote that is so true)