Saturday, October 22, 2011

Childhood Magic

Dont you remember looking up at the stars and moon at night? Wasnt the thought in your mind that they were magic? Do you ever remember when you would make a wish or wishes on stars? 
   I remember as a small wee girl at the ages of 4-5 I would stay up and look at the moon from my window. I would make a wish on the star that I was drawn to. Even as I got older I cannot sleep or do not sleep well unless I have the moon light shinning down on me. I always take a few minutes at night to just STOP and take in the beauty and magic of the night. The stillness of the stars and light of the moon is so captivating.
If people would do that and keep up with old childhood magic we would probably stay connected with out inner child. Our inner-child is the key to happiness. Its the key to life,as humans we have a natural "want" to still play! We all still have that "belief" in magic and the unknown or the "impossible". We still find excitment in freashly baked cookies,sprinklers,snow,holidays,the simplicity of life.
    Go out side tonight look at the stars,stand under the moon light feel her glow and presence. In the summer blow bubbles,make popsicles using fun juices maybe mix them,run through the sprinklers,even go swimming. Color,write creative fun and silly stories,gets some clay or mudd and squish your hands and fingers in it maybe your toes too! During the holidays if you use a tree decorate it with the fun rainbow lights,fun and funky orniments,bake fun treats. Never loose love and excitment for the simple. The simple things in life are the most cherished later down the road when looking back.