Saturday, November 12, 2011

Color Therapy

Do you ever remember when you were a child getting your crayons and coloring book or coloring books out and just getting into your picture that your bringing to life with color?
   Color is what our souls need. Alot of people are not aware of that,but its true. Think of it like this,you are stuck in a room with black walls and only the objects are black and white. Another day you are put into a room thats bursting with colors! How will you feel? Even try staring at a black peice of construction paper and then a peice of paper with lots of colors on it. See how your mood and brain reacts to it.
     If you have kids or younger sibblings look at their coloring books,sit down with them and color a page. It will help you release stress,depression and when your in a "blah" kinda mood or feel like everything in your life is out of control. If you dont have a child or younger sibblings go to a store even the dollar store or 99 cent store and pick up a coloring book that you like and a box of crayons. If you dont have the money to or just cant see to find one you like you can always google,bing,aol,ect search coloring book pages in the images section and print them up. There is NO age limit on coloring! Who ever says there is; is a fruit-loop! Color is good for the soul and stimulates our brains. Even as teens and adults we need to still stimulate our brains. Alot of people are not aware but we all have what is called a hidden eye.Its basically like a window,what I mean by that is,imagine a room with thick black velvet curtains. There is no light in the room and without the sun shining through there will be no light. If the curtains are open there will be light in the room. Still with me? What im explaining is if our hidden eye is not exposed to light including color it will effect you leading to depression. Color feeds the mind,body and soul.  Just break out the coloring books and crayons sit down and color,get into the picture you are bringing to life with color. It will help you in so many ways youll be amazed.